When we compile product citations for our clients, we provide a field called “Impact Factor” in the Excel report. What does it mean? Why is it valuable? Impact factor is …
“I am shocked by your excellence”: LinkedIn scams
I received a LinkedIn connection request recently. An attractive young lady called Nita who has a great educational background was “shocked” by my “excellence” (screenshot below). I obviously had underestimated …
Your company-wide publication library
Any life science company has a large body of scientific publications or references to manage. There are three types of publications: The publications that cited our products, ususally authored by …
Preprints start falling?
Preprint articles are research manuscripts that have not been peer-reviewed or accepted for publication in a scientific journal. Scientists often publish in preprint services to make their work available to …
6,000 PIs are awarded by NIH each month, on average
Are you looking for more customers? The NIH grant database is a great data source. In the past 10 years, on average, 6,000 PIs have been awarded each month! The …
Add powerful search features to your product citation library
Having a searchable library of product citations can be beneficial for both your customers and your internal team. Your customers can easily find publications that validate your products, and your …
Writing Assistant
Life science companies need to produce a large volume of content, including web pages, product descriptions, blogs, social media posts, marketing emails, scientific publications, and white papers. The process of …
Customer tagging
We recently helped a biotech company in the bay area with an interesting project. The company had accumulated a contact list consisting of over 100,000 people, mostly academic researchers, and …
List of handy tools for email marketing
We have created some small, convenient tools for email marketing that will probably save you time in many ways. Find leads or experts (estimate and preview only) Extract emails from texts …
Email marketing checklist for life science companies
I. Setup ☐ Create a new domain (or subdomain) and new email address exclusively for sending marketing emails ☐ Find an email marketing platform, e.g. ours, Mailchimp, Vertical Response, Get …