Update (2019/8/30): New article on how to avoid important emails being put to spam folder or even rejected in GSuite (for goups)? After you send an email campaign, you got …
Use a new domain for email marketing
When we do email marketing, we may easily get into the spam issue (e.g. some recipients complained). As a result, the sender’s reputation, including the sender’s email (e.g. sara@abcbio.com) and …
How to drop the complaint rate by 80%?
When doing email marketing, we hate to see the recipients click “spam report”. My friend Xiaoshan has noticed that many users who clicked “spam report” are using Yahoo email. To …
Should I personalize my emails?
You are about to send an email campaign. Assuming one of your leads is Dr Smith from Stanford University. Which of the following subject lines is better? [Your Product] for …
52,600 NIH grants will expire in 2014, 17% in June alone
Government money has a unique property: it has an expiration date. You have to spend the money or it will be taken away. That’s why you see some researchers spend …
NIH awards 4500 grants each month, peaks in summer
For companies who manufacture reagents, instruments and other research tools, it’s important to know when your customers get funding and how much money they have. To answer these questions, we …
Which day is the best to send out emails?
Which day in a week is the best to send out emails? As I interacted with more and more customers I found everybody has a theory. Some customers say it’s …
Side-by-side comparison of deliverability of popular email sending services
When we send out emails, we want our emails to land in our recipients’ inbox, not their spam folder. We understand many factors can affect deliverability, including the email content, …
Emails in native language triples the click rate
Assume your products can be used in Japan and you decided to send a newsletter to your Japanese subscribers. Should you use English or Japanese in the newsletter? You know …
Bounce rate doubles for older list
Our emails can be bounced by the recipients’ email servers if the email addresses are no longer existent. The reason could be that the recipients have left the university or …