Many companies use our Smart Embed Code to create a central library page where users can search their citations (examples). Some of them have many products (e.g. a few thousand), …
GPT-4 is here
GPT-4 was just released today for ChatGPT PLUS users. According to OpenAI, GPT-4 is capable of performing the following tasks. More creative Visual input Long text More creative I copied …
Why put an interactive citation map on your website?
What is an interactive citation map? An interactive citation map is a map showing locations of authors who published papers citing your products or services. Users may zoom in/out, click …
Congratulate your customers when they publish, Open/Click rate higher than regular email campaigns
In the past years, we have been helping Prozyme Inc (Acquired by Agilent) do one task: each month we track publications citing Prozyme, and also send a personalized congratulation email …
Journal impact factor, trend and distribution
When we compile product citations for our clients, we provide a field called “Impact Factor” in the Excel report. What does it mean? Why is it valuable? Impact factor is …
Your company-wide publication library
Any life science company has a large body of scientific publications or references to manage. There are three types of publications: The publications that cited our products, ususally authored by …
Preprints start falling?
Preprint articles are research manuscripts that have not been peer-reviewed or accepted for publication in a scientific journal. Scientists often publish in preprint services to make their work available to …
Add powerful search features to your product citation library
Having a searchable library of product citations can be beneficial for both your customers and your internal team. Your customers can easily find publications that validate your products, and your …
New (and better) way to specify Smart Embed Code key
In the past months, we have observed that more and more life science companies tried to speed their websites’ loading time by either combining all the javascript files into a …
Styling your citation library, code examples
If you use Smart Embed Code to show your citation library, you usually do not need to do anything to make the style look native on your website. However, if …