Below are services offered by BizGenius. Our ~300 happy customers range from small startups to public companies. We look forward to serving you too in 2021. You want to … …
What is DOI of a paper?
In our citation services, we provide the DOI value for each citation. But what is DOI and why is it useful? DOI, short for Digital Object Identifier, is like driver’s …
A paper from future?
Some customers asked us: “It is October, 2020 now, but why are some of our citations published in 2021? Is it an error?” It’s not an error. Publications from the …
Deep analysis on product citations, an example
Sartorius, a 150-year-old company, is one of the leading biotech companies providing lab equipments and other services. It is based in Göttingen, Germany. We are tracking scientific publications referring one …
Styling citation list
Our Smart Embed Code automatically inherits the host page’s style and as a result, the citation list looks native without any styling. However, if one needs to change the look …
Show latest publications in product pages with Smart Embed Code
Since 2018, ACRO has been showing a list of latest publications to enrich their product pages. They call this section “Frontier Progress”, which will help their users to learn new …
Congratulate your customers when they publish
Over the last 4 years, we have been helping Prozyme Inc (Acquired by Agilent) do one task: each month we track publications citing Prozyme, and also send a personalized congratulation …
Categorize papers with “Phrase Matching”
Many life science marketers find it tedious and time consuming to compile scientific publications citing their products. Our citation tracking service can track your citations monthly, delivering data in a …
Citation analysis for leads generation
In the beginning of 2020, our customer Sartorius surprised us by using their citation data in a creative way: they created a beautiful infographic for leads generation. Specifically, we did …
Publications on COVID-19 explode (and a new free tool to find out research trend)
We know there will be more researchers working on COVID-19 and therefore more papers. But it’s still amazing to see how the number explodes. Below is the number of COVID-19 …