If you are selling research tools such as instruments, reagents and software, or providing services such as single cell sequencing, there are 7 ways for you to find academic leads. …
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Case study: how we helped Eureka Therapeutics enroll patients
Eureka Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company located in the San Francisco Bay Area, focused on breakthrough immunotherapies for the treatment of cancer. Eureka has three ongoing clinical trials evaluating …
Expand to your customers’ coauthors
A steady trend observed in scientific publications is the ever increasing number of coauthors, as shown in the figure below (data source: NIH): The number of coauthors per publications has …
Find industry customers
In addition to academic leads generation, we also offer a service to help you find customers in industry, especially in the space of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical device, etc. How …
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Survey to academic and industry researchers
Survey is an important tool in market research for understanding the challenges and opportunities of your potential customers, as well as for benchmarking your performance against other companies in similar …
After pandemic started, NIH funding increased by 3% but to fewer projects
How is the pandemic affecting the funding to biomedical research? To answer this question, we analyzed the number of grants and the total dollar size awarded in the last 10 …
List of our services
Below are services offered by BizGenius. Our ~300 happy customers range from small startups to public companies. We look forward to serving you too in 2021. You want to … …
95% US researchers use their work emails in publications, Chinese researchers opposite
In most scientific publications, the authors may list their personal emails (such as xxx@gmail.com) or their work emails (such as xxx@stanford.edu or xxx@gene.com). Personal emails have a longer life span …