Citation widget: Lightning-Fast Loading for Global Users

In Citation tracking, Smart Embed Code by Xu CuiLeave a Comment

At BizGenius, we’re committed to helping you deliver a seamless user experience to your website visitors, regardless of their location. Our Citation Widgets have been a powerful tool for showcasing product citations, including lists, figures, and maps. However, we’ve noticed that customers’ users in China were experiencing a slight delay when loading citations due to the distance from our US-based server.

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve addressed this issue by introducing a new feature – a dedicated server located in China. Now, if your website has a significant number of Chinese users, they will enjoy lightning-fast loading speeds when viewing your product citations through our Citation Widget.

Below is a 5-second demo video. The test was performed on a computer located in China. The left panel shows the results for the US-based server, while the right panel displays the results for the China-based server. You can tell that the loading is way quicker with a local server.

With our new China-based server, your citations will load almost instantly for your Chinese users, eliminating the 1-2 second delay they previously experienced. This enhancement ensures that all of your website visitors, no matter where they are, can quickly and easily access the information they need.

At BizGenius, we’re dedicated to providing you with the best possible tools to showcase their product citations. By continuously improving our Citation Widget and adapting to the needs of our global customer base, we aim to help you deliver an exceptional user experience that keeps your visitors engaged and informed.

To use the our server in China, you just need to change the url of our widget from to

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you want to show your citation library on your website.

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