Custom Data Mining & Analysis
We offer “Custom Data Mining & Analysis Service” for clients with customized needs of data mining.
Hot areas in life science
Based on publication, grant and news database, we find hot and trending area in life science (e.g. immunotherapy).
Antibody list ranked by usage
We compile a list of antibodies used in scientific literature and rank them by usage.
Persona building
We find the persona (common characteristics) of your existing or potential customers.
Web crawling
We crawl one or more websites you specified and put the data in your requested format.
Yellow Page crawling
We compile a list of companies/hospitals/clinics/agents from yellow page with your own criteria. The information includes the company name and phone number.
List of biotech / pharmaceutical companies
We compile a list of companies in life science (or other area) and format it in Excel. The data includes name, website, employee number, year founded, etc.
Email list cleaning
We can clean "bad" or "outdated" emails from your list so your bounce rate is low.
Remove European emails
We identify and remove European emails (or other locations) if you do not want to send to these recipients.