List of our services

In Citation tracking, Deep Analysis, Email Marketing, Leads Generation by Xu Cui1 Comment

Below are services offered by BizGenius. Our ~300 happy customers range from small startups to public companies. We look forward to serving you too in 2021.

You want to …We help you …
boost brand trust by showing your product citations1. Compile your past citations
2. Track your new citations monthly
3. Display citation data on your website professionally via Smart Embed Code
find content ideas for social media marketingShowcase your citations, images from your citations, interview the authors etc using the data from our Citation Tracking and beautiful graphs from Deep Analysis
find speakers to give webinars Identify top authors from your citations using the data from our Citation Tracking
gain insights of what our customers are doingPerform comprehensive analysis with our Deep Analysis
keep warm relationship with existing customersSend a congratulation email to authors who just published last month using the data from our Citation Tracking
know where to show your banner ads identify top journals where your customers have published Deep Analysis
get more academic leads1. Find researchers from scientific publications
2. Find PIs who received NIH grants
using our academic leads generation service
get more industry leadsFind industry researchers and decision makers using our industry leads generation service
your website visitors to stay longerEnrich your webpage content with engaging data such as searchable citation database and interactive map ( Smart Embed Code )
create a tool for sales to look up references quicklyBuild citation database with our citation services
create user interface with Smart Embed Code
find experts or key opinion leaders in a fieldIdentify top researchers in a field using Deep Analysis
understand a field in a few minutesreveal trend, top country, top keywords, top diseases, top institute etc with Deep Analysis
find cheaper way to send marketing emailsIf you have a large list, consider to use our email marketing front-end

Please contact us for more information or a quote.

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