Pull contacts from the NIH reporter database? 

In Leads Generation by Xu CuiLeave a Comment

NIH’s reporter is a great resource for leads generation for biotech companies. If you use NIH’s reporter to identify leads or experts in a field, you probably find yourself answering CAPTCHA a lot of times. Sometimes you need to identify crosswalks, sometimes bridges, sometimes buses, traffic lights etc. A screen shot is below.

If you just need to do a few times, that’s probably fine. But it becomes extremely tedious and time consuming when you need to answer a few hundred or more such CAPTCHA challenges.

You don’t have to so. We offer a service where you send us a list of keywords (up to 10,000 keywords), then each month we will send you a list of PIs who receive NIH grants in the previous month in Excel format. The information we provide for each contact include: Email, name, organization, city, state, funding amount, budget start/end time, project title/abstract, and the matched keyword. A screenshot is below:

A sample of NIH grant holder report

In addition, we can also identify researchers whose grants will expire soon, or researchers who have active grants, or who had grants in the past.

To summarize, we offer the following contact lists from NIH reporter:

  • PIs who got new grants (last month)
  • PIs whose grants will expire
  • PIs who has grants in a certain field (by keywords)

If you are interested in this service to generate more leads, just let us know.

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