Smart Embed Code Quick Setup Manual
This manual helps you to setup Smart Embed Code quickly on your website. It usually just takes a few minutes.
First, copy and paste the following lines in the <head> section. It's also fine to put it in the end of the <body> section. To show your own citation data, you need to use your own API key we sent you. You may use the "defer" attribute.
<!-- Use the demo data -->
<meta name="bizgeniusapp-key" content="1">
<!-- Or, use your real data -->
<meta name="bizgeniusapp-key" content="(Place your own key here)">
<script defer src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<!-- Or, if your users are from China, you may use our server in China to speed up the loading time: -->
<script defer src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
Next, choose the visual component(s) you want to display. Each component has one line of code, and you may place the code to the desired place. You do not have to use all components in a page - just use the ones you need.
You may learn more details of the components, including the parameters (tags), and how they look like in the Citation Smart Embed Code page.
Citation Number:
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-total-year-month" data-label="Total Number of Publications++Publications This Year++Publications Last Month" style="display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-wrap:wrap;"></div>
Interactive Citation Map:
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-map" style="width:100%;height:400px"></div>
Citation Search Form and List:
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-form" style="width:100%;padding-top:20px"></div>
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list" data-theme="icon-2" data-maxnum='12' data-order="impactFactor" data-show-snippet="yes" data-show-figure="3" data-highlightjournal="no" style="width:100%;"></div>
For all options for data-theme, click here.
Top Journal List:
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-top" data-maxnum='100' data-minif='10' style="width:100%;font-size:80%"></div>
Citation List for a particular product (usually in individual product pages). You of course need to change the value for data-product-name.
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list" data-product-name='DNA' data-show-figure="3" data-show-snippet="yes" data-theme="icon-2" data-highlightjournal="no" data-maxnum='12' data-order='impactFactor' style="width:100%;"></div>
Citation List for multiple products:
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list" data-product-name='DNA++RNA++Protein' data-show-figure="3" data-show-snippet="yes" data-theme="icon-2" data-highlightjournal="no" data-maxnum='12' data-order='impactFactor' style="width:100%;"></div>
Citation List for a given search keyword:
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list" data-search-keyword='DNA' data-show-figure="3" data-show-snippet="yes" data-theme="icon-2" data-highlightjournal="no" data-maxnum='12' data-order='impactFactor' style="width:100%;"></div>
Citation List of a few papers defined by their paper IDs, separated by comma (note, the ID is the paper's BizGenius ID):
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list" data-paper-ids="4800608,4716105,4815683" data-show-figure="3" data-show-snippet="yes" data-theme="icon-2" data-highlightjournal="no" data-maxnum='12' data-order='impactFactor' style="width:100%;"></div>
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-figure" data-hide-0="yes" style="width:100%;height:400px"></div>
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-figure" data-product-name="xjview" data-hide-0="yes" style="width:100%;height:400px"></div>
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-figure" data-product-name="xjview++brainviewer" data-hide-0="yes" style="width:100%;height:400px"></div>
Publication List of a new published papers for a given keyword. Data retrieved from PubMed in realtime:
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-new-papers-pubmed" data-maxnum="3" data-keyword="CRISPR Neuroscience" data-show-abstract="yes" style="width:100%;"></div>
Publication List of a new published papers for a given keyword. Data retrieved from PubMed Central in realtime:
<div id="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-list-new-papers-pmc" data-maxnum="3" data-keyword="CRISPR Neuroscience" data-show-abstract="yes" style="width:100%;"></div>
Citation number for a given product:
<span class="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-product" data-product-name="DNA" data-enclose="()"></span>
<span class="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-product" data-product-name="Protein++DNA" data-hide-0="yes" data-pretext="We have " data-posttext=" citation" data-add-s-for-plural = "s"></span>
Citation number (total):
<span class="bizgenius-citation-widget-container-count-product" data-product-name=""></span>
Want to customize the styles further? Please refer to this page.
Again, you may learn more details of the components, including the parameters (tags), and how they look like in the Citation Smart Embed Code page.